The girls had tons of fun this week…..
Here they are posing in a very..uh.. intimidating.. stance.
Beware, Greater Lebanon Area!
Luke turned 16 on Tuesday, the 31st of January! We had a fabulous day.
As the kids ate breakfast, I told them about the morning Luke was born – about feeling my very first contraction and thinking, “Hmmm…. I’ve never felt anything like that before!” About driving myself to the doctor’s office a couple of hours later – speeding a little and kind of hoping a policeman might want pull me over to ask me why I was.. Glenn had wanted to come home from work to take me – I think maybe he had the same thought I did.
Luke was our biggest baby at 8lbs. 4oz! How surprised we were to find out he had red hair!! People have always asked him where he got it.
He has been our precious little guinea pig. We are very proud of the godly young man God is growing him into. He is a devoted big brother, loves and honors Glenn and me, and loves God.
He’s been driving with a Learner’s Permit for several months now, and he’s so conscientious about following the driving laws that it’s made me more careful myself. But, it will still be hard to watch him drive off by himself for the first time!
Luke loves music – and is especially fond of Christian Rock/Metal groups. Words are important to him – he thinks the groups’ lyrics should respect God, and I think he knows all the words to most of the songs he listens to. He also reads up about the groups to make sure they are professing Christians. When I’m skeptical about the sound a particular group is making, he’s quick to show me what they’ve said about their faith and why they make music. I have to admit, sometimes I find myself humming some of the songs..they do tend to stick in your head.
I read something once by Pastor Doug Wilson in which he stated he thinks young men like metal and rock music because the sounds they make are like heavy equipment and big machines. Luke grinned when I told him that – he agreed.
This past Tuesday, he and I went to 5 Guys for lunch (his choice), and then to Sam Ash to look around. We looked all around the store, and then he tried out all 9 drum sets on the floor, in fact a couple of them he had to play twice. He loved startling me when he tapped a cow bell with the drum stick. It was a lot louder than I expected! Then he put some earphones on and hooked up to some kind of machine and played a couple of nice-looking electric guitars. I sat and watched him for a while.
He’s asked me at least 3 times since Tuesday when we can go back again.
One of the sweetest memories for me from his birthday this year happened right after breakfast. Isabella came up to me and asked quietly, “Is Luke of marrying age yet?”. When I told her he still had a few years yet, she gave a big sigh of relief and said, “Oh good!” Amen to that!