Wednesday, February 2, 2011


Luke turned 15 on Monday, the 31st.  I can hardly believe it. 

On our lunch trip to 5 Guys, we talked about lots of things – and of course I told him about the day he was born.  Just the excitement Dad and I felt… how my first contraction was at 8:33 am as I was watching Good Morning America.    As I drove to the hospital, Glenn was at work, I was speeding just a little and kind of hoping a policeman might want to ask why.  How I remember the day we brought him home with us.  We both thought we should have taken some kind of test to be able to just leave the hospital with him.  Were we qualified? 

And of course our first night at home when Glenn looked at Luke and said, “I hope I don’t make too many mistakes with you.”

Luke loves Bobcats, Legos, reading – especially Brian Jacques’ Redwall books, air drumming, and working hard outside at the Schofield’s farm.  He wants to be a good big brother – is protective of his sisters, opens doors for me when we are out, helps steer Noah toward wise-ness, instead of foolishness, and loves to be with his Dad.  He’s a great boy! We love him.

DCP_0313 here he is with Alix -

IMG_1378and with me on Monday.


opening his gifts, surrounded by excited sisters – getting a little kiss from Sophia!IMG_1389


  1. That first picture of Luke and Alix ... shouldn't he still be that age??? Where does the time go?

  2. I know! I am not sure how old they are - but I think about 5 and 3, or so..maybe 4 & 2..

  3. My oldest turns 15 in just two weeks. Doesn't seem possible! Happy Birthday to your young man!
