Monday, May 2, 2011


We spent Tuesday together on the Freedom Trail in downtown Boston.  It was amazing.  The kids were terrific and thoroughly enjoyed themselves.


IMG_9564 Here we are starting out in the Boston Commons.

The trees blossoming there were stunning – we saw lots of magnolia, cherry, redbud, and forsythia.

IMG_9574 next to Paul Revere’s grave..

IMG_9585 the Old Meeting House – we did a scavenger hunt here, provided for by the staff.  

IMG_9589standing in front of Paul Revere’s home after touring it.  There were several pieces of furniture there which belonged to the Revere family – and which they used while living there.

       Noah trying to lift this heavy chain.  Not quite..                                              IMG_9591

Look at the cobblestone street and imagine pushing strollers on that.  Ok, now imagine you live in the 1700’s and have to lift your skirts over the muddy streets that aren’t paved with cobblestones.  We didn’t complain.  (well, not too much anyway)

IMG_9596  There were actually 16 sites on the Trail – including 3 cemeteries (which are one of my favorite things to see anywhere), the USS Constitution, the State House, and the Bunker Hill monument, among others.  We saw all of them – it took us all day – and we loved it.  It was so good for the kids – and us – to see places, and the graves of people, who were so instrumentally used by God to secure our freedom.  They were brave and self-less and they had a vision for their children and their children’s children that they were willing to sacrifice their lives to attain.  We’ve read about them in books – but to see where they lived and worked made an impression on us that I hope we won’t soon forget. 

1 comment:

  1. It looks fabulous! I still say you should have taken a nanny with you! I could have helped push the strollers. :)
