Thursday, the kids and I went to Plimoth Plantation. It was raining a little on our way there, but stopped about the time we arrived. We had a great time going into the houses, talking to the “re-enactors”, who stayed in character the whole time, and just generally getting a better idea of what life was like for our Pilgrim forefathers.
Here are a few pictures..
here we are entering the village – ready for any possibility of rain!
t the vegetable gardens behind a house
typical of the outside of the houses…
most looked like this inside…
and then you turn to the left and see….
That’s it! Almost the same in every house, bed with curtains in one corner, maybe a wooden dresser like this.
a table and no more than 2 chairs
and that glorious “kitchen”. All had dirt floors, and usually a “broom”, made out of several sticks chopped evenly on the bottom and tied to a sturdy branch with reeds. Some had a kind of loft upstairs, obtainable by a ladder of sorts, or just by pieces of wood nailed into the beam near an opening in the ceiling.
Here you can see a couple of houses, plus a large stack of cured wood, which was enough for one family for about a month’s needs.
After spending time in the town, we went into the Family Center and found a room with toys and period dress up! Oh boy! (thought the girls)
Luke was taking a break at that point.
Noah was fishing..
while the girls dressed up and set the table for a nice meal.
(notice that they saved a little money on Sophia’s skirt – the back is missing – hmmm.. or maybe it was an apron?)
Isabella seems to have gotten the short end of the stick – I’m pretty sure this was a boy’s outfit that Alix modified with an apron to disguise the fact.
I think it was a fitting end to our time at Plimoth Plantation!
What? No picutres of Luke dressing up? Looks like the girls had a ball!