Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Not quite ready

Sophia has had a rough day. The epidural site was pretty uncomfortable, until it was finally removed at 3:00. Her pain has increased under her arm where the incision is. Although they did remove all but one IV line, she is still not eating anything and has drank very little, about 3-4oz. Of liquid. She is on morphine and oxycodon. Her relief seems short-lived.

The doctors decided to keep her another night on the regular unit.
We agree she doesn't appear ready to go home.

Please pray that her pain would decrease and that she will eat and drink. She definitely wants to go home.

Thank you all!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


  1. Hi Kelly, I was so hoping to come by and meet you this week and pray with you. Alas, we're all sick here, even mom & dad. :( I'm sure you don't want me there! Still praying for your family and glad to hear the surgery went well (despite the tornado fun!).

    ~Kat Paradiso

  2. Kat,
    Thank you just for thinking of it! How kind of you. I'm sorry that you are all feeling I'll. I will pray for your family, with your sweet little ones.
